Buntingford Tennis Club

81 High Street
Tel 01763 273646 / 07930 576021
Email: tacticstennis@hotmail.com

On Sunday April 13th at the Buntingford Tennis Club Open Day. Coaches led a Cardio-Tennis session for Adults to music and also organized mini-tennis games for children helped by sixth-form sport-leader qualified students from Freman College.

The venue for the new Club is the newly re-surfaced astro-turf Buntingford Multi-Games Area which they will hire from the Buntingford Sports Association.

A Club night for adults will start on Tuesday May 6th at 6.30pm and club mornings will be held on Sunday Mornings starting at 10am May 11th. All tennis players welcome of every standard.

If you could include any of the above I would be very grateful. tel 01763 273646 / 07930 576021.


We are opened the Tennis CLub in Buntingford on Easter Sunday on the newly re-surface multi-games area in Bowling Green Road. This now has 2 artificial sand filled astro turf courts and one polymeric surfaced one. I have attached a flyer for this as well as the Junior Easter Camps we are running.

We are running a 5 week Ladies Group Coaching Classes for all abilities from complete beginners to match players on a Tuesday morning from 9.30 and Wednesdays from 9.30am. A 5 week course will cost £30.

Weekly tots classes will be held on Tuesday mornings and afternoons as well as mini-tennis for 10 yrs & under. Older Juniors 10yrs plus will also have a full program of activities which are being planned.

We would love to meet the people of Buntingford that want a tennis club in the town and might be interested in being on a Committee to help run Club Nights & Mornings, arrange matches for the adults and juniors, social events for adults & juniors ect.

Liz can also be found at tacticstennis@hotmail.com. Please add your details to the form, including an email address if at all possible, then save to your computer and either attach to an email or print and send it to Liz Ward, 81 High Street, Buntingford. SG9 9AE.

Many thanks again for all your support.

With very best wishes,

Liz Wade and John and Helen Littleford
On behalf of the Buntingford Tennis Club Development Team